Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Franklin County Beaches & Seafood Fine; Coast Guard Will Help Protect

A note from your friendly Tourist Development Council ...

There are no current projections for any oil to impact Franklin County’s shores in coming days but U.S. Coast Guard officials say they plan to begin staging equipment in the area anyway as a precautionary measure to help protect the area's valuable resources.

The message to visitors and residents – be assured, not alarmed.

USCG officials met with county, city and local emergency officials Wednesday, May 12 to outline a plan to mobilize in the county within a few days. USCG officials say they intend to begin stockpiling equipment, docking vessels and parking trailers in both Apalachicola and Carrabelle by possibly this weekend.

Officials say the growing presence of the USCG in our area should not alarm visitors and does not mean oil is present. The activity, they say, is a proactive measure and part of a two-tiered effort by State and local emergency officials to protect Franklin County resources. The mobilization, they say, should serve to assure, not alarm.

“We’re going to do everything we can to protect these resources and prevent oil from affecting this area,” says USCG Lieutenant Lt. Steve Caske.

Franklin County’s beaches remain clear and the seafood supply abundant. Local tourism officials say if you are planning a trip to our area and are concerned about any potential impact from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, check with local destination accommodation in order to get the most up-to-date information on your specific accommodation. Visit to check local accommodations.

If any of the Franklin County communities are impacted, the Franklin County TDC website will be updated to reflect changing conditions. Additionally, regular updates on the TDC Facebook page and eblasts will be sent out.

Visitors and residents are also encouraged to check in on local conditions at the Franklin County Emergency Management website for daily updates.

For the latest information on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, visit Here you will find regular news updates, projections of the path of the spill, photos and video and useful links.

The Apalachicola Riverkeeper group is coordinating all non-governmental volunteer activities for Franklin County Florida. For more information or to sign up, visit e-mail with comments

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