Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Governor Crist makes weekend appearance in Franklin County

Governor Charlie Crist made a surprise visit to Franklin County on Saturday. The governor spoke at the BP vessel of opportunity class at the Apalachicola Armory to a crowd of about 300 oystermen, fishermen, and seafood workers.

Crist said that the state is doing all it can and will "do whatever it takes" to make sure that the BP oil spill does not destroy a way of life for fishermen.

Local seafood workers were mostly polite, though there were some angry outbursts showing the fear that many local seafood workers have that their way of life is being threatened. Crist was also taken to task for his past support of the Florida net ban which hit Franklin and Wakulla counties especially hard and for his past support of offshore oil drilling.

The governor, who is now running for the US Senate, said he is now considering calling a special session of the legislature to put a constitutional amendment permanently banning offshore drilling on the November ballot. Crist has also asked the federal government for $50 million in additional emergency funding to help prepare for any impacts of the oil spill.

After the talk, Governor Crist took a tour of the Apalachicola Bay with local oysterman Joseph James and tonged up a batch of oysters which made for a good photo opportunity.

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