Monday, May 10, 2010

Governor Crist seeks 50 million dollars for oil spill clean up preparation

Governor Charlie Crist has requested 50 million dollars in federal money to help Florida prepare for any impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Last week the governor requested a $50 million dollar National Emergency Grant from the United States Department of Labor as a part of Florida’s response plans to the Deepwater Horizon Incident. In the request Governor Crist said Florida is preparing for an environmental disaster of unprecedented proportions and the money is needed not just to prepare for the response, but also potentially for the payment of state unemployment assistance.

Crist said that while he realizes that ultimately BP will be liable to cover all of the costs of the cleanup, additional money is needed now to ensure the most effect response to the oil spill.

2010.5.6 Letter to President Obama e-mail with comments

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