Friday, August 6, 2010

NOAA still expects a very busy hurricane season

NOAA has updated its hurricane forecast for the rest of the season and say they still expect a very busy season.
Late August through October is generally the peak of the hurricane season and residents along the Gulf Coast are being urged to remain prepared.
NOAA said that warmer-than-average water in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean as well as the formation of the La NiƱa in the tropical Pacific Ocean will help storm clouds grow and organize in the Atlantic.
NOAA forecasters say they still expect 14 to 20 named storms this season including 8 to 12 hurricanes of which 4 to 6 could be major hurricanes of Category 3, 4 or 5.
That’s well above average and officials are urging coastal and inland residents to create a family disaster plan; stock a hurricane survival kit containing at least a three-day’s supply of food, water and medicine for each family member; make sure their homeowner’s insurance coverage is adequate, and gather important documents.
Franklin County residents should also go to the Emergency Management Office at the Franklin County airport to pick up a re-entry tag. e-mail with comments

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