Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010 has proved dangerous for boaters in Florida

2010 has proved to be a tragic year for boating accidents.
So far this year, there have been 76 boating fatalities, a 24-percent increase from this time last year.
While a few unusual accidents have occurred this year, the majority involve boaters failing to pay attention to their surroundings, neglecting to wear life jackets and operating at high speeds.
State officials say the most unfortunate part about the statistics is boating fatalities are usually preventable; at least 41 of the 76 deaths were due to drowning.
One of the best ways to prevent a drowning is simply to wear a life jacket.
The FWC also encourages boaters of any age to take a boating safety course.
To find a course or more boating safety information, visit e-mail with comments

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