Thursday, December 9, 2010

Franklin County commission approves 1 week extension for Exercise Emerald Warrior

Franklin County will once again serve as a training ground for the US military in early 2011.
In August county commissioners approved the military training exercise known as Exercise Emerald Warrior for February the 21st through March the 11th, 2011.
On Tuesday the board agreed to extend the training by another week.
Exercise Emerald Warrior is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving soldiers from various parts of the armed services as well as officers with the FBI and DEA.
The exercise is held in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast including Tate’s Hell in Franklin County.
Training exercises will also take place in Liberty, Leon and Calhoun counties.
The training will include nearly 2000 soldiers as well as tanks and helicopters.
The training doesn’t only benefit the military – its estimated that during this year’s Emerald Warrior training that nearly 300 thousand dollars was spent in Franklin County. e-mail with comments

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