Thursday, December 9, 2010

Franklin County seeks state grant to renovate armory

Franklin County is hoping it will get some state money next year to help pay for improvements to the Armory in Apalachicola.
The county this year applied for a 350 thousand dollar Historic Preservation grant from the state – the Armory project was recently ranked 24th out of the 49 projects that applied.
The county also applied for the money last year but state budget cuts kept the application from being funded.
The county said it has no idea whether the program will be funded next year but if they do get the money it will pay for repairs to the armory’s leaky roof, and to upgrade wiring, renovate the kitchen and possibly air-condition the building.
The 108 year old Armory, which Franklin County has leased from the National Guard since 2004, is generally used now for private events like weddings and concerts. e-mail with comments

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