Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Franklin County seeks to educate legislators about oyster issues

Franklin County Commissioners are taking some proactive steps to protect the local oyster industry from political change in Tallahassee and Washington.
On Tuesday, the county commission sent a letter to Florida’s new Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam asking that he continue to employ those state workers who have worked with the seafood industry in the past and have the experience needed to continue to support the industry and the Apalachicola Bay.
The board specifically asked that David Heil, Mark Berrigan and Allen Pierce along with their staffs in the Division of Aquaculture continue to work in the new administration.
Commissioners said those individuals have been key in protecting water quality in the bay and defending the area in the ongoing water dispute with Georgia.
The county said it would also like to have commissioner Putnam come to Franklin County where they can wine and dine him and show him the importance of the local seafood industry.
Commissioner Cheryl Sanders said that outgoing commissioner Charles Bronson also didn’t know anything about seafood when he was elected because he was a cattle man, but over time he became a great friend to the seafood industry.
Commissioners say they will also take steps to educate congressmen about seafood issues.
The board voted Tuesday to send commissioner Smokey Parrish to Washington DC in February to take part in the Gulf Oyster Industry Council’s annual walk on the hill.
That will give the commissioner as well as others in the oyster industry a chance to educate newly elected representatives about the issues the Gulf oyster industry faces. e-mail with comments

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