Monday, December 13, 2010

Scanner survey show most Florida stores are charging correctly

When you do your Christmas shopping this month you can be pretty sure that the stores are charging you the right price for your gifts but check your receipts anyway because mistakes are made every day.
According to a statewide scanner survey conducted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the vast majority of Florida’s businesses have accurate scanners.
The survey involved scanning nearly 3000 items from 52 stores in 24 cities.
About 2 percent of the businesses that were surveyed had some problems.
They were split evenly between overcharging and undercharging the customers.
Four stores, however, were found to have excessive overcharges and now face administrative sanctions ranging from warning letters to fines of up to $5,000 for repeat violations.
And remember, if you do have concerns about a business overcharging you or if you detect problems with a store's scales, you can report it by calling 1-800-HELP FLA. e-mail with comments

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