Monday, December 13, 2010

Septic tank inspection law dead on the vine

            County commissioners were relieved to hear last week that the implementation of a new septic tank inspection mandate has been delayed and that the entire rule will probably be scrapped during the next legislative session.
The state legislature met is special session on November the 16th where they delayed the implementation of the inspection bill until July – but it will probably never actually take effect.
State Representative Jimmy Patronis told commissioners that he is co-sponsoring a bill this session to completely repeal the inspection bill.
The rule would require that all septic tank owners have their tanks pumped and inspected every five years whether the tanks have shown any problems or not. 
It was designed to protect water quality around the state.
The law would have affected millions of homes in Florida including many in Franklin County.
Franklin County commissioners opposed the septic tank rule because of the potential costs to homeowners. e-mail with comments

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