Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sink and McCollum seek improved BP claims process

Florida’s outgoing Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink and Attorney General Bill McCollum issued a letter this week to BP Claims Administrator Kenneth Feinberg to improve the claims process for Floridians impacted by the BP oil spill.
The Florida Cabinet members noted that of the over 150,000 claims filed by Floridians, only 40 percent have been paid.
They also believe the recently released Protocols for Interim and Final Claims could potentially make it even more difficult for impacted Floridians to be compensated for their losses.
Alex Sink called the claims process “inefficient and unresponsive” adding that it is essential that the damage already done to Florida’s economy and environment not be compounded by an inefficient claims process for individuals and businesses that have lost income.
Both CFO Sink and Attorney General McCollum asked that Mr. Feinberg take immediate action to create a claims process that will provide a fairer, more rapid and more effective recovery for losses suffered by individual Floridians and Florida businesses.
If you would like to read the letter for yourself we have posted it on the news page at e-mail with comments

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