Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Tis the season for ...mullet!

This is the peak season for mullet in Florida waters and that’s good for seafood lovers.
Mullet are available year round, but supply is greatest in late fall when the fish form huge schools and migrate from shallow coastal waters into deeper waters to spawn.
Mullet is one of Florida's most moderately priced fish and prices are especially good in December, when harvest is at its height.
The current retail price for mullet is around $2.60 per pound.
Of all the fish harvested in
Florida, mullet tops the list in terms of pounds landed.  
Mullet can be found in the bays and estuaries along both of Florida's coasts, but most of the commercial harvest takes place along the Gulf Coast, in Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, and Lee counties.  
Though mullet is most commonly smoked or fried, it can also be baked, broiled, grilled, steamed, poached, or boiled.  
It's also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to be good for the heart.
If you would like to see a number of recipes using mullet – check out the news page at e-mail with comments

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