Monday, April 14, 2014

FWC removes another bear from Lake Mary neighborhood

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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April 14, 2014
FWC removes another bear from Lake Mary neighborhood

Monday morning the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) captured another bear that approached staff as they were on the scene of a recent bear attack in the Carisbrooke neighborhood of Lake Mary.
Because this bear showed no fear of people, staff determined that it was a threat to public safety and needed to be put down.
“The fact that we have come across so many bears with so little fear of humans indicates that these bears are highly habituated and are regularly receiving food from people,” said Dave Telesco, the FWC’s Bear Program coordinator. “Our staff is dedicated to wildlife conservation. Having to put down these bears is a very difficult decision, but it’s the right decision to ensure public safety. Unfortunately, the saying is true: ‘a fed bear is a dead bear.’”
FWC staff will remain in the area and continue trapping efforts to remove any bears demonstrating this lack of fear. No action will be taken against bears that display normal wild bear behavior and avoid human contact.
The FWC reminds residents in this area to be aware of their surroundings and always supervise pets and children while outdoors. The FWC relies on residents to report threatening bear behavior. Residents should contact the FWC’s Wildlife Alert hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922) to report any threatening bear activity.
If you encounter a bear at close rangeremain standing upright and speak to the bear in a calm, assertive voice. Back up slowly toward a secure area, and be sure you are leaving the bear a clear escape route. Stop and hold your ground if your movement away seems to irritate instead of calm the bear. Do not run or play dead. If a black bear attacks you, fight back aggressively.

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