Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack Annual Catch Limit
and Annual Catch Target Reduced for 2014
National Marine Fisheries Services has issued a temporary rule effective April 23, 2014, that implements an accountability measure for recreational greater amberjack in the Gulf of Mexico. This rule reduces the Gulf greater amberjack 2014 recreational annual catch target to 862,512 lbs, and reduces the 2014 recreational annual catch limit to 1,031,512 lbs, based on the 2013 recreational annual catch limit overage of 267,488 lbs.
The National Marine Fisheries Service determined that the 2013 recreational greater amberjack landings were 1,566,488 lbs, which exceeded the 2013 recreational annual catch limit of 1,299,000 lbs.
In accordance with regulations at 50 CFR 622.41(a)(2)(ii), if recreational landings exceed the recreational annual catch target, then during the following fishing year, both the recreational annual catch target (recreational quota) and the recreational annual catch limit will be reduced by the amount of the prior year's recreational annual catch limit overage.
The 2015 recreational annual catch target for greater amberjack will return to 1,130,000 lbs, and the recreational annual catch limit will return to 1,299,000 lbs, unless accountability measures are implemented due to a recreational annual catch limit overage in 2014, or the Council takes subsequent regulatory action to adjust the recreational annual catch target.
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