Monday, July 7, 2014

FWC Law Enforcement Weekly Report 06/27 - 07/03/2014

Division of Law Enforcement
 FWC logo and law enforcement badge
Weekly Report
June 27 - July 3, 2014

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;
however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve


The “Operation Dry Water” campaign launched over the past week.  Northwest Regional officers focused on boating safety education and awareness on drinking and boating.  Throughout the campaign, officers inspected 901vessels and contacted 2,510 citizens taking an educational approach.  There were 36 boating citations issued and 152 boating safety warnings issued. Six arrests for BUI were made. Officer Kinney arrested a subject for BUI on Cypress Springs. The operator was transported to the Washington County Jail for booking and was determined to have a .152 blood alcohol level. Officers Molnar and Bartlett conducted a vessel stop on a personal watercraft.  While conducting the boating safety inspection, the officers noticed the operator displayed signs of impairment.  At the conclusion of the field sobriety tasks, the subject was arrested for BUI. The subject provided a breath sample of .209 and .215.


Officer Brady was patrolling offshore when he conducted a resource inspection on a charter vessel whose captain said they had caught red snapper.  When Officer Brady asked to inspect his catch, he noticed what appeared to be an undersized scamp and a grey trigger fish.  As the captain removed the fish, he kept pushing the trigger fish and the scamp under the ice.  When the captain closed the cooler lid, Officer Brady asked if that was all the fish on board and the captain said yes.  Officer Brady then checked the box and found an undersized scamp and a trigger fish.  Citations were issued for the undersized scamp and the trigger fish out of season.

Officer Gore checked a fisher at Lake Powell who had been cited for red snapper, gag grouper, and trigger fish violations the previous week.  During the inspection, the fisher showed signs of impairment and he later failed his field sobriety tasks.  A check found the fisher to have three previous DUI convictions.  The fisher refused to submit to a breath test and was booked into the Bay County Jail for BUI.

Officers Kinney and Yates conducted a boating safety detail on Econfina Creek.  Numerous boating violations were addressed as well as an arrest for resisting arrest.  The arrest resulted from two individuals canoeing and refusing to allow a boating safety inspection after a lawful order was given.  One individual stated, "You can check me at the next bridge,” and continued down the creek. The officers caught up with the individuals a few hundred yards down the creek and determined there was an insufficient amount of life jackets and the male occupant was arrested for refusing to allow the inspection.


Officers Cushing and Miller were working boating safety in the Intracoastal Waterway. The officers noticed an approaching boat with fishing gear commonly used for reef fish. Upon stopping and completing a boating safety inspection, the officers conducted a fisheries inspection.  Officer Miller located a bag of freshly filleted red snapper in a cooler.  Of these fillets, two appeared to have been from an undersized red snapper.  Due to the fish not being landed in whole condition, the officers were unable to determine the actual size.  The subject was issued a notice to appear for failure to land in whole condition.

Officer Livesay was on vessel patrol in Pensacola Bay when he checked a person that was fishing from a vessel.  While performing a fisheries and boating safety check, the fisherman asked Officer Livesay what the size limit on flounder was.  He claimed he had only one fish on board and it was a flounder.  Officer Livesay checked the flounder, which was legal, but further inspection of the vessel revealed an undersized red snapper in the live well.  Officer Livesay issued a notice to appear citation for the violation.

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