Thursday, March 12, 2015

County commission to interview applicants for county coordinator position on April 7th

                Franklin County Commissioners will interview three people for the County Coordinator’s position at their regular meeting on April 7th.    
County administrative Director Alan Pierce is retiring in September from county employment; 25 people applied for his job and Mister Pierce spent a number of weeks paring the list down to the top three candidates.
The final candidates are Michael Moron and David Sutton from Apalachicola and Beckye Simpson from Carrabelle.
Mister Pierce began working for the county in 1988 as the county planner but over the years his job description was expanded to where his replacement will need knowledge and competence in a broad number of areas, not just one single department.

Mister Pierce will spend much of the year working with whoever is hired to replace him to insure that there is a smooth transition.

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