Thursday, September 24, 2015

Florida Pine Snake being considered for endangered species protection

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is looking for information on 5 species that are being considered for protection under the endangered species act, including a snake species that can be found in our area.
The Florida Pine Snake, which can be found in most areas of Florida, is being considered for protection along with the Blue Calamintha bee and short tailed snake which can be found in central Florida.
The Florida Pine Snake requires dry sandy soils for burrowing.
It is found most often in open pine-turkey oak woodlands and abandoned fields, and also in scrub, sandhills, and longleaf pine forest.
Much of its habitat has been destroyed in recent years and it is currently listed as a "Species of Special Concern" by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
The Fish and Wildlife Service recently completed the first step in assessing whether the animals may require federal protection
Organizations or individuals that wish to present scientific or commercial information on the Florida pine snake should contact The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
We have posted the contact information on this story posted at and on the Oyster Radio facebook page.

Andreas Moshogianis at (404) 679-7119 or

For more details on the Service’s current analysis of each of these
species, please visit our information page:

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