Monday, January 18, 2016

Franklin county Student nominated to Air Force Academy

A Franklin County Student was one of 11 from across North Florida to be nominated to attend a United States Military Service Academy.

Joshua Patriotis, who attends the Franklin County School in Eastpoint, was nominated by Representative Gwen Graham to the Air Force Academy.

He was selected by a nomination committee based on academic record, test scores, leadership ability, involvement in extracurricular activities and demonstrated commitment to serving the country.

Joshua is the son of Themo and April Patriotis of Apalachicola.

He has a long list of accomplishments including serving as Franklin County’s Sunshine State Scholar in 2015.

He is a member of student government and the National Honor Society.

He runs track and field, and was team captain and seahawk player of the year for soccer.

He also stays active outside of school and serves as part of the youth leadership in his church and volunteers at the Forgotten Coast Paddle Jam among many other events and fundraisers.

And while the nomination doesn’t guarantee his acceptance to the academy, it is a necessary step in the application process.

Joshua said he will now have to finish the application and have a physical and then wait to see if he is accepted.

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