Friday, January 29, 2016

FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report January 22, 2016 through January 28, 2016

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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Division of Law Enforcement
FWC logo and law enforcement badge 
Weekly Report
January 22, 2016 through January 28, 2016
This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;
however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve


Officer Barnard received information on the location of a baited hunting site in Yellow River Management Area.  When he responded to the area, he encountered a person leaving the area on a golf cart.  Officer Barnard spoke to the subject about the baited site and he denied any knowledge of it.  Officer Barnard continued to the baited site, noticing that the golf cart tire sign lead straight to it.  At the baited stand site, he discovered corn scattered, a feeder full of corn, a trail camera and a pine tree that had recently been climbed using a climbing tree stand.  He also noticed that the tree that held the feeder had approximately 100 nails and screws driven into it in an apparent attempt to keep squirrels out of the feeder.  Officer Barnard seized the items as evidence.  Officer Barnard again made contact with the subject who again denied any knowledge of the baited sight.  Officer Barnard obtained a search warrant to look at the photos on the trail camera, which had a clear picture of the same subject on it.  Officer Barnard obtained warrants on the subject for placing bait in a management area and for driving metal objects into a tree which was located on a management area.


Officers Lewis and Ramos were on patrol when they heard gunshots after legal shooting hours in a nearby farm field.  They entered the farm field and observed a truck that was attempting to exit the field. The officers observed a man and a woman along with three rifles on the front seat of the truck.  When asked about the gunshots, the male said that he was attempting to shoot at a fox because they were digging holes in the field.  He said he was hunting in the field earlier but did not see any deer.  The officers located an injured antlerless deer lying in the field.  The man was interviewed and admitted to shooting at a doe deer as they left the field.  A computer check revealed that the man was a convicted felon and the woman had a warrant for worthless checks.  The rifle the man shot the doe deer with came back as stolen.  The officers charged the male subject with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and taking an antlerless deer during the closed season and arrested the woman for the warrant.  Both subjects were booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail.  The theft of the firearm is under investigation.

Lieutenant Hahr located an area along Coldwater Creek that had been baited with milo for ducks.  He returned to the area before sunrise and observed three subjects arrive at the site, set up wood duck decoys and begin calling for wood ducks.  After a little while, two of the subjects shot but did not hit any ducks.  As they began to leave, Lieutenant Hahr approached them.  They admitted to baiting the area and attempting to take wood ducks.  Lieutenant Hahr documented several other violations including hunting with an unplugged shotgun, using lead shot to take waterfowl, no federal duck stamp, and no hunting license or applicable permits.  The three subjects were all charged with hunting ducks over bait and were given citations for some of the license violations.  They were warned for the additional violations.


Officer P. Rockwell received information from the US Coast Guard (USCG) Destin personnel that a boater reported that an individual on a passing vessel made a statement threatening suicide.  This occurred in the Intracoastal Waterway/Santa Rosa Sound east of Hurlburt Field Boat Ramp.  Officer Rockwell accompanied the USCG on their vessel and arrived on scene.  Based on the complainant’s description of the vessel, Officer Rockwell located the boat (a green canoe with tiki torches).  Initially, the boat operator was not cooperating by failing to stop his vessel.  Upon the initial contact, the individual did not appear to be a danger to himself but did display indicators of impairment from alcoholic beverages.  Based on the individual’s demeanor, behavior and field sobriety tasks performed, he was arrested for boating under the influence. Lieutenant Clark transported the individual to the Okaloosa County Jail where Officer Rockwell completed the intake process.  The individual refused to provide a sample of his breath.


Officers Tison and Letcher stopped a vehicle after observing a light being displayed in a manner capable of disclosing wildlife. An inspection of the vehicle revealed a loaded firearm and the driver stated he was hunting. He was cited for attempting to take wildlife from the right of way.

Officers Tison and Letcher interviewed a subject after they received information he had taken an antlerless deer. The subject admitted to the violation and a young antlerless buck was recovered and seized at the subject’s residence. The subject was cited for taking an antlerless deer.

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