Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Moron named interim library director; Butler resigns from advisory board in protest

County administrator Michael Moron has been named interim director of the Franklin county Public Library system while the library seeks a new permanent director.

Moron will oversee daily operations at the county's two libraries over the next month, though it could be longer depending on how long the hiring process takes.

His work will include approving time sheets and expenditures as well as managing library staff.

The volunteer library board had recommended that the county put Eugenia Butler in the position.

Eugenia is a long-time employee in the library system with a masters degree in library science.

She served as interim director 3 years ago when the library was also without a full time director.

The library board said they felt Eugenia was the most qualified staff member and she was not asking for additional pay and does not intend to apply for the director's position full-time.

Commissioner Cheryl Sanders said she could not support hiring Eugenia because of the appearance of nepotism.

Eugenia Butler is the sister-in-law of long time library board member Denise Butler and Commissioner Sanders said we don't want things like that, it don't look right.

Denise Butler later resigned from the Library board.

She had served on the board for 24 years, 22 of those as chairperson.

In her resignation letter she said she will no longer serve a Board of County Commissioners who has exhibited the audacity to think that there was EVER anything in it for her other than a love for all that a library offers to a community.

She added that she feels the commission owes Eugenia Butler an apology calling Eugenia a good librarian, a good citizen and a good person.


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