Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Florida Department of Corrections is opening a new Residential Continuum of Care facility at Wakulla Correctional Institution Annex

The Florida Department of Corrections is opening a new Residential Continuum of Care facility at Wakulla Correctional Institution Annex.
The treatment facility is made up of specialized housing units that provide safer and more effective treatment for inmates with serious mental impairments.
The facility is made up of four dorms and houses approximately 540 inmates. 

The treatment facility will help inmates with mental health issues receive treatment in a rehabilitative environment. 

In addition to having an emotional support dog for inmates, the facility features programs including art therapy, music therapy, adult basic education and life and employability skills training.

Groups and clubs include a Reader’s Theater for inmates to read plays aloud, Poetry Group and Wellness Group.

The Florida prison system has seen a 51 percent increase in the percentage of all mentally ill inmates with the most severe and persistent mental disorders, even while the overall prison population has dropped. 

Officers within the unit have completed the American Correctional Association’s (ACA) Correctional Behavioral Health Certification (CBHC), better equipping them to securely supervise and aid in the treatment of these inmates.


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