Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Franklin County commissioners have agreed to write a letter of support for the reopening of bars and breweries in the state

Franklin County commissioners have agreed to write a letter of support for the reopening of bars and breweries in the state.

Since March 26th, only establishments that sell food along with alcohol have been allowed to operate in the State, while other bars and breweries have been closed.

Department of Business and Professional Regulation Secretary Halsey Beshears has been visiting bar and brewery owners throughout the State to discuss a safe reopening plan for their establishments, though nothing has been handed down yet.

The Franklin County Commission issued a similar letter of support when vacation rental homes were closed.

Commissioner Smokey Parrish said in Franklin County we aren't talking about huge clubs like Club LaVela.

Instead our bars are much smaller, and many of them only serve beer.

He added that he has spoken to many of the owners and they are willing to do half capacity which would limit occupancy to about 50 people, in some instances even fewer.

Commissioner Bert Boldt said it is good common sense and will be a big help to local business owners.

The motion passed unanimously.

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