Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Time is running out to fill out your census forms, and there are still plenty of Franklin County households who still need to get it done

Time is running out to fill out your census forms, and there are still plenty of Franklin County households who still need to get it done.

The last day of the census is September the 30th.

Franklin County is still lagging behind most of the rest of Florida in filling out the census.

As of Tuesday, only 32.6 percent of households in Franklin County had completed their census form.

Statewide, just over 60 percent of households have filled out their census forms.

In Wakulla County the return rate is nearly 61.6 percent.

In Gulf County its just under 36 percent and in Liberty County its just about 31 percent.

If you have not already completed your census, you may soon be visited by a census taker to assist you in responding.

Not filling out the census will have a big impact on how much federal funding Franklin County gets over the next 10 years.

Each completed census is worth about 14,500 dollars a year for schools, fire departments, medicare reimbursements, early childhood and special education and other needed services.

This is money that we pay in taxes that will only be returned to us if the government knows how many people actually live here.

You can fill out your census now at

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