Wednesday, August 26, 2020

If it seemed like Sunday was an especially rainy day, it turns out it was a record breaking rainy day, at least for Apalachicola

If it seemed like Sunday was an especially rainy day, it turns out it was a record breaking rainy day, at least for Apalachicola.
The National Weather Service said Apalachicola received 7.85 inches of rain on August the 25th.
That is nearly 3 times the previous record for that day.
The last record was 2.54 inches back in 1955.
The heavy rainfall was due to Tropical Storm Marco as it moved across the Gulf of Mexico toward Louisiana and Texas.
It has actually been a rainy month for our area – so far nearly 12 and a half inches of rain have fallen in Apalachicola.
Normally we get about 6 and a half inches of rain during August.
Last year it was 5.8 inches.

And there may be more rain to come as we are entering the peak of hurricane season, which begins at the end of August and runs through October.

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