Thursday, September 21, 2023

Franklin County’s coastline is a lot cleaner thanks to nearly 200 volunteers and a lot of work

Franklin County’s coastline is a lot cleaner thanks to nearly 200 volunteers and a lot of work.

186 volunteers came out September 16th and collected over 9 thousand pounds of trash from local beaches, islands, bay shores, and rivers during this year's annual Coastal Cleanup event.

The turnout was only about half of what it was the year before, as volunteers had to brave the threats of thunderstorms and heavy rain that led to postponements and cancellations at several sites.

Still, volunteers removed over 280 bags of trash which was primarily the type of trash you would expect to see including cans, bottles, cigarette butts, plastic, Styrofoam, fishing gear and rope.

But every year volunteers find a few interesting items too.

This year they found a solar panel, aquaculture floats, and an old weather probe.

They also found a bicycle, 5-foot-long bird decoys, a septic tank, rusting real estate signs buried in the sand, an unbroken chicken egg, and oddly enough, a vial of blood.

The Franklin County Coastal Cleanup is sponsored by the Apalachicola Riverkeeper, the Ocean Conservancy, and the Franklin County Departments of Parks & Recreation and Solid Waste & Recycling

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