Wednesday, September 20, 2023

If you have kids in the family who are talented artists, you might want to get them involved in the Florida State-Fish Art Contest

If you have kids in the family who are talented artists, you might want to get them involved in the Florida State-Fish Art Contest.

The contest is being done through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Wildlife Forever.

Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade can compete in the free contest for a chance to win state and national honors, and prizes.

The deadline to enter is February 28th, 2023.

Florida winners will be selected by the FWC in four grade categories, kindergarten through third grade, fourth through sixth grade, seventh through ninth grade and tenth through twelfth grade.

First-place winners can get T-shirts printed with their artwork to give to family and friends.

The two first-place winners from each grade bracket will have their artwork displayed in FWC’s freshwater or saltwater regulations guide and all first-place winners will have their artwork displayed at FWC headquarters in Tallahassee.

The deadline to enter is February 28th, 2024.

For contest information and entry forms visit

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