Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Now that its tax season the state of Florida is warning people about tax identity theft

Now that its tax season the state of Florida is warning people about tax identity theft.

Tax identity theft happens when someone files a phony tax return using your personal information — like your Social Security number — to get a tax refund from the IRS.

It also can happen when someone uses your Social Security number to get a job or claims your child as a dependent on a tax return.
There are a few recommendations to help protect your identity.

File your tax return as soon as possible and do it electronically, using a secure internet connection.

If you choose to mail it, do so directly from the post office.
Shred copies of your tax return, drafts or calculation sheets you no longer need.

Know the IRS won’t contact you by email, text or social media. If the IRS needs information, it will first contact you by mail.

And be sure to check your credit report at least once a year for free at to make sure no other accounts have been opened in your name.

If you are a victim of Tax identity theft, don’t panic.

Anyone who encounters identity theft should report it to local law enforcement and to the Federal Trade Commission online at or by calling 1(877) 438-4338.

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