Friday, March 29, 2024

It is now more convenient to drive golf carts withing the City of Carrabelle

It is now more convenient to drive golf carts withing the City of Carrabelle.

Earlier this month, the Florida Department of Transportation approved Carrabelle’s request for two golf cart crossings across Highway 98.

The crossings are located southeast 3rd street and Highway 98 and at Northwest 4th street and Highway 98.

The City and DOT also approved a maintenance agreement requiring the City to install and maintain the crossing markings and warning signage for vehicles approaching the golf cart crossings across Hwy 98

As soon as the golf cart crossing signs are installed in compliance with FDOT specifications, the two crossings will be legal to use.

Remember, if you are using golf carts in Carrabelle, they can be used any time of the day or night, but only with the proper equipment which includes, brakes and brake lights, a rear-view mirror, red reflectors on the front and rear of the vehicle, and a windshield.

A driver’s license is not required, but the driver must be at least 14 years old.

Golf carts also cannot be driven along or on any sidewalks in the City of Carrabelle.

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