Friday, March 29, 2024

There will be an eclipse of the Sun on April 8th, and if you would like to see it, be sure you have the proper eye protection

There will be an eclipse of the Sun on April 8th, and if you would like to see it, be sure you have the proper eye protection.

You need special glasses so you can see the eclipse without damaging your eyes, but luckily, the glasses are available at the Franklin County public libraries in Eastpoint and Carrabelle.

The library received the glasses through the Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries Program.

That program has distributed 5 million glasses to 10 thousand libraries across the country.

People in the center of the country will be able to see a full eclipse, but in Florida we will see anywhere from just over half of the sun to over 3/4 of it obscured by the moon from our angle.

Luckily, the farther northwest you go, the more of an eclipse you'll see.

The eclipse is expected to begin around 1:30, with the midpoint at 2:55.

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