Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clam aquaculture meeting to be held today in Carrabelle

Franklin County commissioners will meet with state aquaculture officials this afternoon to look at the possibility of expanding clam aquaculture in Franklin County. The meeting will be held at 6 this afternoon at the Carrabelle City Complex.

The Franklin county commission is interested in expanding clam aquaculture in Franklin County to allow more people to take part in what has proved to be relatively lucrative business.

The commission says it has a few areas in mind that might make good locations for clam farming and they would like the state to begin monitoring the waters to see if they meet the criteria for clam farms. The commission said it would also like the state to look at currently unused leases in Alligator Harbor to see if they can be transferred to people who will actually use them.

The meeting is open to the public and people interested in taking part in clam farming are urged to come out to be part of the conversation.
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