Thursday, December 17, 2009

Governors optimistic about solution to water war

The governors of Georgia, Alabama and Florida think that they can have a solution to the nearly 20 year old water war before they leave office in one year. That’s the same claim they made after meeting in 2007.

The three governors met Tuesday in Montgomery, Alabama – after the meeting they seemed optimistic that they can find a solution.

The three governors are trying to find a way to share water in the Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River system. The system is used for drinking water, power production and to feed the Apalachicola Bay.

The governors are working under a deadline. All three governors will leave office next year but besides that Georgia is under a court imposed time limit to stop taking drinking water from Lake Lanier for the City of Atlanta. A federal judge ruled in July that Georgia has until 2012 to find a new water source for the city or to reach an agreement over water sharing.

While no specifics on a water sharing plan have been released, Alabama Governor Bob Riley said negotiating teams from each state will work out details to present to their state legislatures in the spring.
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