Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Franklin County Childrens' Toy Project distributes toys and clothes this week

Families who have registers to receive toys or clothing through the Franklin County Children’s Toy project will be able to pick up their toys this week. The distribution will take place on Thursday from 10 till 5 and on Friday from 10 till noon in Eastpoint, Carrabelle and Apalachicola.

Pickup locations are the Eastpoint firehouse, the Carrabelle firehouse and Trinity Episcopal Church in Apalachicola. You do need to bring a photo ID because you can collect the toys.

If you don’t know which pickup location to use, you need to check your application. If you gave a Carrabelle address then your pickup location is in Carrabelle – if you gave an Apalachicola address then you do your pickups in Apalachicola.

If you have any other questions call Beth at 323-0187.
e-mail with comments

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