Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Congressman Boyd introduces STOPP Act

Congressman Allen Boyd this week introduced legislation to help protect private property owners from becoming victims of eminent domain seizures by state and local governments.

The legislation, called the Strengthening the Ownership of Private Property or STOPP Act, is specifically meant to address a 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows governments to use eminent domain to take away private property and transfer it to someone else for their private gain.

Congressman Boyd said the proposal would significantly discourage governments from taking property from one private party and giving it to another private party through a series of aggressive financial disincentives. If eminent domain abuses do occur, the STOPP Act would prevent states and localities from receiving federal economic assistance on all economic development projects – not just those upon which abuses occur – until the dispute is reconciled.

Additionally, it guarantees that victims of abuses receive fair market value for their property and appropriate moving expenses.
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