Thursday, March 24, 2011

Congressmen call for creation of Seafood Advisory Group

30 US Senators and Congressmen from along the Gulf Coast have written a letter to the President asking that the White House do more to publicize the safety of Gulf Coast seafood.

A number of federal studies have found that Gulf Coast seafood is safe to eat even after the BP oil spill but the public perception is that the seafood might be tainted.

That misperception is not only keeping people from eating good, healthful seafood but is also making it harder for seafood communities along the Gulf of mexico to rebuild.

The congressmen said that while there is plenty of public data to show that the gulf seafood is safe to eat, the government’s attempts to report the information has thus far been ineffective.

The members of Congress are calling on the White House to create a Seafood Advisory Group to help get seafood safety information to the public more effectively.

They would also like to see a safe seafood campaign integrated with other ongoing Gulf-wide efforts that are being paid for by BP. e-mail with comments

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