Thursday, March 24, 2011

Franklin County to hold Indian Creek Park dedication next Friday

Franklin county will officially dedicate Indian Creek Park in Eastpoint next week.
The 5 acre park, which the county purchased in 2007, is on North Bayshore Drive next to the Sportsman’s Lodge.
The public park was once used as an RV park but is now being restored to a more natural state.
A recent “Living Shoreline” project, headed by Apalachicola Riverkeeper Dan Tonsmeier, replaced an existing seawall at the park with marsh grasses and salt tolerant plants and trees.
The county commission will present Mister Tonsmeier with a plaque at the ceremony thanking him for his years of work in help procure and restore the site.
The dedication ceremony will be open to the public – it will be held on Friday, April the 1st beginning at 9 AM. e-mail with comments

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