Thursday, March 31, 2011

FWC to vote on redfish rule next week

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will decide next week whether to allow recreational fishermen in our area to keep two redfish a day instead of the one that’s currently allowed.
The commission said that recent population studies on redfish have shown that they are rebounding faster than expected in North Florida waters so the group feels safe in relaxing the regulations a little.
The rule also proposes to set an 8 fish vessel limit for redfish and creates three management regions around the state to make it easier to manage the species.
Redfish used to be an extremely popular fish in local waters, but their population was decimated by unregulated commercial and recreational fishing.
Since 1988 the state has banned all commercial fishing for redfish and has only allowed recreational fishermen to keep one fish a day.
The final vote on the rule will be held on April the 6th when the FWC meets in Havana. e-mail with comments

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