Thursday, June 16, 2011

Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce elects board of directors

The Apalachicola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce has elected its board of directors for the next year and Oyster Radio owner Bonnie Gomes in one of the new members. 

Also new to this year’s board is Mike Koun, owner of the Gibson Inn, Candy Varnes with Resort Vacation Properties, and Apalachicola City Commissioner Brenda Ash who works for Centennial Bank.

Mark Friedman with Friedman Financial Advisors was elected as President this year.  Ginny Griner with Weems Memorial Hospital was re-elected Vice-President.

Kristin Anderson will continue to serve as Secretary/Historian and Jerry Hall will continue as Treasurer.

Retiring directors this year are Royce Rolstad, Paul Marxsen, Susan Bassett and Diana Prickett.

A full list of this year’s directors can be found on the news page at or at the Chamber page at e-mail with comments

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