Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Governor signs declaration of emergency so Florida counties can prepare for wildfire threat

Governor Rick Scott has signed a declaration of a State of Emergency because of the growing dangers of wildfires and drought conditions in Florida.

The order gives state, regional and local governments the authority to take whatever actions are needed to protect lives and property in their communities.

According to the Florida Division of Emergency Management, there are nearly 110 thousand acres currently burning throughout Florida and there is no substantial rain expected at least for the rest of this month.

Although no burn ban has been mandated in Franklin County at this time, Emergency Management officials are asking residents to hold off on any outdoor burning activity until the area receives more rain.

That includes not shooting fireworks and being extremely careful if you are grilling.

Residents who need to dispose of yard trash should do it at the landfill instead of burning it – and today would be a great day to do that because its amnesty day and you don’t have to pay a tipping fee to throw away yard waste. e-mail with comments

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