Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly Radio Address – Friday, June 17, 2011

This week Florida’s unemployment rate declined for the fifth month in a row.  At 10.6 percent for the month of May, it has dropped from 12 percent since I became Governor in January. In that time, Florida companies have created approximately 80,000 jobs.

While we still have a lot more work to do until we create jobs for every Floridian who wants one, we see evidence we are on the right track.

To help create more private-sector jobs, I signed a bill this week that restructures our economic development functions and public-private partnerships for creating jobs. 

Florida will now have a single point of contact for businesses looking to expand or move to our state.  As Florida’s Commerce Secretary, Gray Swoope will lead our rapid response to business opportunities, so Florida does not miss out on job-creation opportunities.

As we celebrate Father’s Day this weekend, I invite you to pack your gear, and take Dad and the kids saltwater fishing.  On June 18 and 19, you can share in the fun without a license.  To learn more, visit

Florida is a great place to live, work and play, and we continue to focus on making our state the No. 1 place to start, grow or move a business. e-mail with comments

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