Friday, July 20, 2012

Franklin County to request that passing be banned on Apalachicola and St. George Island bridges

Passing legally on the St. George Island and Apalachicola bridges may soon be a thing of the past.

County commissioners have agreed to ask the Department of Transportation to put double yellow lines along the length of both bridges to keep people from passing.

The board is concerned because of a pair of fatal accidents on the Apalachicola bridge over the past few months including one in early May that killed a woman from Eastpoint and a second earlier this month in which two people were killed.

Even though there have been no accidents on the St. George Island bridge the board felt it would be safer if passing were also banned on that bridge because of the large number of teenagers who are not from Franklin County that do not drive appropriately. e-mail with comments


Anonymous said...

two things: 1) I thought both accidents were a result of cars veering into the on coming lane and not a result of someone trying to pass

2) the large number of teenagers "that do not drive appropriately" are not any more likely to pay attention to passing rules either.

It seems like the change would not affect either situation to which they are refering but would prevent local people from going around and getting away from slower "sight-seers" that are looking around the bays instead of watching where they are going.

Anonymous said...

Once again..."government" sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong. Double yellows would have prevented neither accident. It's tragic. County, state, FEDERAL...all government is too big and spends too much of our hard-earned money. Re-elect nobody and don't forget, big government=big taxes.

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