Friday, February 14, 2014

Franklin county to consider "leave no trace" ordinance on Tuesday

Franklin County commissioners on Tuesday will consider a proposed rule that could significantly strengthen protections for nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.

The commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday on the “leave no trace” ordinance, which, if enacted, would keep people from leaving items on the beach overnight.

Items like tents and chairs can keep sea turtles from reaching the dune line where they dig their nests and can also hinder sea turtle hatchlings from crawling to the Gulf.

Under the proposed ordinance the county would be allowed to confiscate items left on the beach at night and dispose of them.

The rule would also require beachgoers to fill in any deep holes they dig on the beach before they leave at night.

There is a lot of support for the ordinance, not just because of the additional protections for turtles, but also because it would keep our beaches cleaner in general.

The commission has already held one hearing on the proposal but tabled a final decision after raising concerns about how the rule might impact beachfront business, as well as whether there should be exceptions allowed for weddings and other events.

There were also questions raised as to whether the county should be allowed to use an ATV and trailer on the beach to collect the items. e-mail with comments

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