Friday, March 7, 2014

4 companies bid on Alligator Point revetment project

County commissioners opened bids last week to repair about 1000 feet of revetment at Alligator Point but because the issue is under litigation it could be a while before any work gets done.

The section of revetment is east of Tom Roberts Road – its an elevated section of road that can’t be relocated.

So instead the county will repair the revetment by removing the existing concrete rubble and debris and replacing it with clean granite rock.

The county would have liked to place sheet pile along that section of shoreline to better protect the roadway, but doesn’t have the money for that type of work.

The project is being funded through money received from FEMA after Tropical Storm Debbie.

4 companies bid for the job, the bids ranged from 74 thousand dollars to over 164 thousand.

County staff will recommend the best bid at a future commission meeting, but the work could still be months away because of a lawsuit over the revetment project.

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