Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gulf Council Seeks Applicants for Scientific and Statistical Committees Application Deadline is April 10, 2015

March 13, 2015

Gulf Council Seeks Applicants for Scientific and Statistical Committees
Application Deadline is April 10, 2015

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is taking applications for seats on its Scientific and Statistical Committees (SSC).

The Council has one standing and seven special Scientific and Statistical Committees comprised of individuals who have expertise in statistics, fisheries biology, marine ecology, economics, sociology, anthropology, or other special sciences as they apply to fisheries management, and provide independent, scientific advise to the Council. For more information on SSC Membership, please visit

SSC members are appointed by the Council and serve a two-year term. Members are reimbursed for travel expenses up to specified limits and receive a daily stipend subject to funding.

The Council is recruiting for the following SSCs:
  • Standing SSC
  • Special Coral SSC
  • Special Mackerel SSC
  • Special Red Drum SSC
  • Special Reef Fish SSC
  • Special Shrimp SSC
  • Special Socioeconomic SSC
  • Special Spiny Lobster
To apply to one of the Council SSCs, visit and complete the online application. Please note that a Statement of Financial Interest (SOFI) is required 45 days prior to appointment. The SOFI can be found on the NOAA web site -
Current members must reapply, but are not required to submit a new SOFI at this time.

Once you have completed the SOFI, please email it along with your CV

If you have any questions, please call the Council office at 813-348-1630.

Applications, along with a completed SOFI and CV, must be received by April 10, 2015for consideration by the Council during its June meeting in Key West, Florida.
About the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is one of eight regional Fishery Management Councils established by the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The Council prepares fishery management plans, which are designed to manage fishery resources within the 200-mile limit of the Gulf of Mexico.

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