Friday, September 29, 2017

Join Carrabelle for a ceremony to name a section of Highway 98 in honor of Robert Clifford Millender

 There will be a ceremony next week to rename a portion of Highway 98 through Carrabelle after a fallen soldier.

On October the 2nd, a two mile stretch of Highway 98 will be named in memory of Robert Clifford Millender.

Millender was born in Carrabelle and was serving as an infantryman with the US army when he was killed in action in Vietnam on March 3rd, 1969.

He was 22 years old.

He was awarded the Purple Heart, the national defense service medal and the Vietnam service medal.

The Franklin county Commission made the request to name a portion of Highway 98 after Millender in 2015, it was approved this year.

The ceremony will be held on Monday, October the 2nd at 3 PM at the eastern end of the Carrabelle bridge.

Commissioners hope to do the same for other fallen soldiers.

There is a list of all local soldiers killed in action on a memorial on the Armory in Apalachicola.

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