Wednesday, May 30, 2018

FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Monthly Highlights

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Don't Push Them Back!

Beaked Whale Stranding on Treasure Island

What should you do if you see a beached marine mammal?
Don’t Push Them Back!
Keep a safe distance and call the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline: 888-404-3922, press “7” to speak with an operator.
Stranded marine mammals are likely sick or injured, and may be capable of powerful and unpredictable moves. Pushing an animal back to sea delays, and may hinder, the chance for experienced rescue teams to assess and provide treatment.
Photo of beached Beaked Whale on Treasure Island, courtesy of A. Meyer

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Social Media Corner

Research Natural Area - Dry Tortuga's
The Research Natural Area (RNA) was designated as an area of special protection within Dry Tortugas National Park in 2007. 

Long-Term Monitoring on the Blackwater River
Biologists conduct long-term monitoring of fish communities in Florida Panhandle rivers every spring and fall. 
Bear Cub
To determine the growth rate of a bear population, biologists must document the survival rate of cubs. Beginning in mid-March, biologists visited birth dens of radio-collared adult females in the Apalachicola population to conduct cub assessments.

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