Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Because of recent rains, Florida’s mosquito population is exploding and that can be more than just annoying

Because of recent rains, Florida’s mosquito population is exploding and that can be more than just annoying.
Mosquitoes are known to carry a number of diseases including the Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus.
There is no vaccine for preventing Zika, West Nile or Dengue Fever so the best defense is to avoid getting bit in the first place.
Be especially careful at dawn and in the early evening when mosquitoes are most active, though the mosquito that carries zika is active during most daylight hours.

Long pants and long sleeved shirts can help protect you, as can Mosquito repellents containing DEET.

Mosquitoes need standing water to breed, so you can make it harder on them by removing all sources of standing water from your property, including old tires.

Replace birdbath water often, and if you have a boat, make sure to check the tarp for water.

Cleaning gutters and drainage ditches and fixing leaking outdoor faucets can also remove prime mosquito breeding sites.

And remember, if you have any mosquito related concerns, call the Franklin County Mosquito control Department at 670- 8730.


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