Friday, June 21, 2019

Franklin County beaches may not be as pet friendly in the future

Franklin County is taking a closer look at the county's pet laws.

Franklin County has a leash law for all dogs in the county.

That law requires that dogs be direct control when in public.

Basically that means dogs should be on a leash or otherwise restrained, though it does allow for dogs to be under voice control as long as the person with the animal is within unobstructed sight and hearing of the dog.

The animal control department says that they are getting a lot of complaints about dogs running loose, especially on the beaches, so the commission is considering tightening up the rules so that all dogs have to be leashed.

Commissioners said its a safety issue.

The commission said it would also like to limit the areas where dogs can be on the beach.

Currently all beaches are considered pet-friendly.

The board is also looking at increasing enforcement by having animal control actively working on weekends and evenings when many of the nuisance animal calls come in.

On Tuesday the board agreed to have the county attorney write up a proposal that would require dogs be leashed in public regardless of where they are.

The board will consider the changes at a future commission meeting.

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