Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Franklin County’s major crime rate increased by nearly 60 percent last year

Franklin County’s major crime rate increased by nearly 60 percent last year according to the state’s annual crime report released this week by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

The report includes crimes like murder, rape and aggravated assaults reported by city and county law enforcement from January through December, 2018.

State data shows that there were 288 major criminal offenses in Franklin County last year, up from 184 in 2017.

There was 1 murder in Franklin County last year.

There were 3 forcible rapes in 2018, the same the year before.

The number of burglaries dropped from 54 to 38, but the number of larcenies nearly doubled from 98 to 182.

The number of aggravated assaults more than doubled from 21 to 52.

There was 1 robbery last year and also 1 motor vehicle theft.

Local law enforcement was able to solve about 51 percent of the crimes last year, down from about 60 percent the year before.

Gulf County saw a big drop in crime numbers last year.

The crime rate in Gulf County fell by a third.

There were 188 major crimes reported in Gulf County last year down from 277 the year before.

If you would like to see the full 2018 uniform crime report for yourself, just follow the link we’ve set up on this story at oysterradio.com and on the Oyster Radio facebook page.


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