Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dog Days of Summer - A newsletter from the Franklin County Humane Society

Franklin County Humane Society
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Thank you Susan

On Saturday, July 13th, Andrea Comstock of Live Oak Gallery in Apalachicola hosted a tribute to Susan Richardson's life and art.  Susan was not only an extremely talented artist but a lover of animals. All kinds.  Susan believed in the mission of the Humane Society and always donated a portion of her sales to us. 

Susan was in the process of organizing this event when her health took a dramatic turn and she passed before she could see it come to fruition.

Andrea and many of Susan's friends decided to move forward with the show to both honor and celebrate Susan's life and art.  Per usual, Susan had wanted some of the proceeds to come to the Humane Society.

The evening truly was a tribute, one we all think Susan would have appreciated.  Scores of people came to remember her and purchase her art.  30% of which came to us.

Pictured above is Andrea when she came to the shelter to present us with a $3060.00 check and a donation jar containing $461.00.  

We want to thank Andrea and all the volunteers who made that evening so special.  We appreciate all your time and energy and feel fortunate that Susan chose this organization to benefit from her art and life.  We will miss you my friend.

The End of Dog Prohibition
On Wednesday, July 10th, dog prohibition officially ended in Franklin County.  The East Point Beer Company opened it's door to dozens and dozens of patrons and their pooches.  Everyone was there to witness the unveiling of the dog bar and allow their dogs to taste the brew (non-alcoholic).  Based on the dog's responses, they'll be back for more!
In addition to the dog bar opening, both Eastpoint Brew Co. and the SGI food truck sold beer and food with a portion benefitting the Humane Society.  We were in attendance with several dogs available for adoption and the first brewery adoption occurred!
We hope to make this a monthly event so if you missed the first one, you can look forward to the next one.  You and your dog are sure to have a great time!
Above is a picture of owner Josh Parker with his trusty side kick Jack presenting us with a $630.00 check from the proceeds of the evening.  Below is a picture of Tyson with his new family.  Who said you can't find true love in a bar?!

Rex was found limping down a road in Apalach in horrible condition.  A good samaritan was on her way to an appointment but couldn't just leave him so she stopped and without concern for her leather seats, lifted him up and placed him in her car.  She then called us to see if we would help and after she explained the situation, we called Animal Control to go get him and bring him to us.
Upon exam we realized he was suffering from a bad case of mange along with a severe infection of his feet.  He had a hard time even standing and it was a pitiful thing to witness.
We immediately started him on antibiotics for the infection, anti inflammatories for the swelling along with medication to kill the mites which was the underlying cause of his troubles.  We fed and watered him and made a comfy place for him to lie down.  Rex was safe.
He has made good progress in the 10 days we have been treating him.  The swelling is much reduced and the infection is clearing up.  We watched him run to his outdoor kennel yesterday so his feet aren't nearly as painful and he no longer limps. We look forward to seeing him blossom into the beautiful dog he is underneath all that neglect.
Pictured above is Rex on day 1.  Below is day 10.
Post Office Box 417 • Eastpoint, Florida 32328 • (850) 670-8417
www.forgottenpets.org • Email Us


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