Friday, July 5, 2019

Fish and Wildlife officers will be cracking down on drunk boaters over the 4th of July weekend during the 10th annual Operation Dry water

Fish and Wildlife officers will be cracking down on drunk boaters over the 4th of July weekend during the 10th annual Operation Dry water.  

Last year in Florida, 24 percent of fatal accident victims were related to alcohol or drug use. 

That is why law enforcement agencies around the state and country are participating in “Operation Dry Water” from July 5th through the 7th to prevent alcohol-related accidents and fatalities.

FWC officers, along with local law enforcement and the U.S. Coast Guard, will be on the lookout for boating under the influence violations.

In Florida it is illegal to operate a vessel with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 percent or higher.

Boating under the influence is a serious offense in Florida.

For a first conviction, punishment for a BUI conviction may be a fine of up to $500 and a prison sentence of up to 6 months.

A second conviction can carry a fine of up to $1000 and a 9 month prison sentence and possibly the loss of your boat.

Additional punishment can include substance abuse courses, monthly probation reporting, and community service.

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